Donor Centers

Select a convenient donor center from the list below.

Please note an automated red cell or platelet donation take longer and have additional eligibility requirements. If you’re not sure if you qualify, schedule a whole blood, and ask our staff when you arrive if you qualify for other procedure.

Appointments are preferred but walk-ins will be accepted as capacity allows. Wearing masks is optional for both donors and our staff.

Christiana Donor Center
100 Hygeia Drive
Newark, DE 19713

Concord Donor Center
ChristianaCare's Health Center
161 Wilmington-West Chester Pike, Suite 2300
Chadds Ford, PA 19317

Dagsboro Donor Center
32445 Royal Boulevard
Clayton Crossing Shopping Center
Dagsboro, DE 19939

Dover Donor Center
221 Saulsbury Road
Dover, DE 19904

Middletown Donor Center
246 Dove Run
Middletown, DE 19709